This week we are diving into part 2 of our social media series, sitting down with Ulysses Morazan. Uly is not only an incredible actor, but over the past 5 years, he and his “current husband” have built and monetized a massive social media following with over 432,000 TikTok followers to date. Listen as he demystifies the process, and find out how this newfound passion has helped him in his acting career.
For all the laughs, follow him and his current husband on tiktok @ulyandernesto
2:41 How did you start your social media?
*Started 5 years ago with his boyfriend (now “current” husband).
*Began filming just for fun and fell in love with the creative process.
*Started with the commitment of doing one youtube video a week, knowing that consistency was the most important thing.
*Youtube felt a bit oversaturated, so they decided to get an IG account. That began growing much faster, and brands started reaching out.
*Follow the money!
*Everything changed with TikTok – so much easier to show who you are in video vs images. AND they got in at the beginning before it was oversaturated.
8:15 What makes a video go viral?
*Hook in your audience as fast as possible to keep them on the platform as long as possible.
*Video content being in “list” form (Buzzfeed is great at this!)
*Capitalize on a current trend.
*Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason. You can do everything “right’, and it doesn’t catch on.
*Why Uly prefers videos NOT go viral, and instead cares about the community he is growing, the community that already likes and cares about his content.
12:31 Navigating the success of social media:
*How did they navigate their first brand deals and how did they get them?
*When did he decide to quit his day job and rely solely on this income?
*How important branding is, and how he and Ernesto discovered what they are “selling”.
*The “I Love Lucy” formula and why it works for them.
*How figuring out his branding on social media has helped his branding as an actor.
*Has his following helped his acting career?
30:39 What should someone do who is just starting out?
*It can be overwhelming at first – so just focus on 5 influencers you would like to model yourself actor. Ask yourself what your “version” of that is. Pay attention to their content.
*Rip the bandaid off and just start posting, and realize it’s not that scary and it gets easier and easier.
*Be authentic…viewers are craving authenticity.
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